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I am ME
 photo 68126bbb-2400-4f1d-9ba1-cd78679ef868_zpsuq2rqaxl.jpg
hello hello hello!! simply call me fatin. read my posts take a stroll, btw dont judge and act like a troll

Feeling : (n_n)
Eating : choco
Doing : -
Watching : -
Listening to : anything

Shout mix or cbox? abything just decide for yourself. width="210px"for sure ;)
Daily Reads
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penat leah dlm mse 3 mggu

Music Here!

where's the spirit
Written at Thursday 29 March 2012 | back to top

 lme da x update blog.. leh than lme r.. mid year exam da dkt da.. tp game lg dkt .. hu.. trenin x ane.. x athu la bkpe xn leh nk push.. bert smcm je.. rezab tol r...aq nk meng gane la gni... agk cdey r.. agpn da thun last da ...

18.4.12 ni  aq g perak lop... da kem pengawas asrama.. mcm gt jln gop r... nseb bek xdop cramah.. huu.. mcm2 gop r jd lpas pda cuti oo..sume 2 bg pengalamn yg brmkna wt aq.. biarpun perit tp emm g2 r.. k la.. 

x ley nk tlis bnyop2 ngt.. x au nk tlis nde... kje skul x gerokg nim.. emm.. lmbt nk gerok ae...